2. Here’s my story or “Trailer 2.0”
After talking to my friend Nicole in the last episode, I went on a quest to find out more about the topic of unidentified gifted adults and about myself. I share my personal story on how I learned that I was indeed gifted, too. This was an unexpected and emotional discovery. Realizing that this is a “thing” and that 2 % of the population fall into this category made me rethink the content of my podcast. I would like to deticate this show to the topic of gifted adults. But would love to include related topics and topics of interest to gifted adults. So let’s call it a “lifestyle podcast for gifted adults”. This is a biweekly (hopefully soon weekly) show dedicated to embrace giftedness and all it’s complexity! The show will air on Mondays to give you a boost into the week, to lift you up and to motivate you to keep working on yourself, your career, your relationships and your happiness.
If I can be gifted, you might be, too! Don’t write it off so quickly.
Dyslexia and not being able to learn things by heart might be a sign of giftedness!
Instagram: @unleash.monday
Book (in German): Kluge Köpfe, krumme Wege?: Wie Hochbegabte den passenden Berufsweg finden by Andrea Schwiebert
Book (in German): Kassandras Schleier: Das Drama der hochbegabten Frau by Wolfgang Schmidbauer