22. Living Life on the Bright Side! Meet Isabelle Mosca the founder of FACES 4 Autism
Isabelle Mosca, curator/creator for Life on the Bright Side and founder of the nonprofit FACES 4 Autism. She shines a light on families facing neurodiversity across the lifespan, encourages and uplifts caregivers to live their best lives with programs, events and workshops. Her programs are donation-based and open to all.
Isabelle and her husband just celebrated their 33rd wedding anniversary. Her motivation to begin the journey culminated from the autism diagnosis of her son in 2001. He and his twin sister both experience learning challenges, so developing a path of support was key to her family, as well as and many others. As a result of community encouragement, she has created programs and education used worldwide to forward awareness and acceptance for twenty years.
Neurodivergent people tend to “mask” themselves. They do not feel comfortable to be their true authentic selves and they learn to hide parts of themselves and to put on a “mask” for society.
Learning differences can make you see the world differently
Writing a to-do list can be a blessing. It functions as a dumping lists for your full and heavy brain and you can get it all out of your mind and onto paper. And there is always a tomorrow fro your to do list
People with ADHD need especially time to quiet their minds. Going for walks, doing yoga, meditation or mindfulness can help you do that.
We should take breaks and disconnect from our electronic devices. The world is so busy with stimulation, we need to turn it off from time to time.
Sleep is important and a very great tool for people with busy minds. It can also be helpful to find answers! Ask yourself a question you would like to answer before going to bed and let your subconscious mind do the work during the night.
All family members of a neurodivergent family need to be seen and taken care of. For example siblings and caregivers
Self-care is important for everyone! We all need self-care <3
FACES 4 Autism: website faces4autsim.org |Instagram @faces.4.autism|Email: imosca@faces4autism.org
Podcast Life on the Bright Side| Instagram: @ourlifeonthebrightside
More on Autism and testing from Wikipedia (please do your own further web-search on Autism specific websites): DSM IV and V and PDD-NOS