37. Purpose Driven Self-Awareness! Meet Bayo Moses

Bayo Moses has 8+ years as a Book Coach and Developmental Editor. When he's not looking into manuscripts, you can find him on Google Meet catching fun as a personal development coach. He shares his story growing up neurodivergent in rural Northern Nigeria and how he learned about autism in adulthood.


  • Bayo could not connect with his peers in school but was able to connect with older people.

  • Realising there is nothing wrong with yourself but with your audience.

  • Sometimes there is nothing wrong with you but with the teaching method.

  • A hearing issue can be a sensory processing difference.

  • Being neurodivergent is not a curse, being neurodivergent is not a problem that need fixing! It is not a disease that needs curing!

  • Not fitting in socially can be a pain but can also work to your advantage! It depends on how you approach it.

  • Being neurodivergent can be your personal super power!

  • The journey of self-awareness is not about happiness, it is about helping yourself!

  • The presentation of your story needs to be simple and audience centred! The idea might be simple but the impact can be profoundly.

  • We don’t need to balance things! Things are already balanced, we simply need to find what the balance is.

  • You are OK the way you are! There is nothing wrong with you.

  • Your happiness does not depend on social approval.

  • Purpose Driven Self-Awareness: The best way to help yourself is to help others!

  • Social experiences the same but the personal experience is divergent for autistic people

  • Let’s Talk 2e adults’ conference is the first of it’s kind you can purchase access forever, use my affiliate link


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Book The Gifted Adult by Mary-Elaine Jacobsen

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38. Connecting the Body & Mind. Meet Self-Attunement and Somatic Coach Ilana Grostern


36. Live Life Authentically! Meet John Syc